9 Different Types of Asthma - You Should Be Aware Before it is Too Late

If you think that asthma is just a general disease with no other types and kinds, think again! Asthma actually is comprised of several types and it is important for doctors to specifically assess and diagnose of what type of asthma their patient is suffering from. This will enable the doctor to prescribe the appropriate medicine and give the needed recommendations.

1) Allergic Asthma

This type of asthma is the most common among all the other types. Statistics show that kids are more prone to allergic asthma with 90% having the disorder. Allergens such as molds, pollen and mites are the most common culprit of allergic asthma. Exercising in cold air or inhaling strong fumes, dust, smoke, perfumes or colognes can actually make it worse.

Since allergens can be found everywhere, people with allergic asthma must be careful with the places they go to as well as be vigilant in the cleanliness of their surroundings. As much as possible, they should steer away from dusty places and make their home or work-area as dust-free as possible.

2) Non-Allergic Asthma

From the name itself, it is obvious that non-allergic asthma is not triggered by any allergy-related factors. Usually it appears after middle age and is most often a result of recurrent infections in the lower and upper respiratory tract.

Just like allergic asthma, Non-Allergic is triggered by factors not related to allergies. It is characterized by the obstruction of the airways due to inflammation that is partially reversible and controllable with proper medication. Although the causes of non-allergic asthma may be different, the symptoms are still the same; wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and tightening of the chest.

Non-allergic asthma can be triggered by intangible factors such as stress, anxiety, over or under exercise, cold air, hyperventilation, dry air, viruses, smoke, and other irritants. Unlike allergic asthma, the non-allergic type does not involve the immune system in the reaction.

3) Nocturnal Asthma

From the name itself, it is quite obvious that this type has something to do with sleep. And yes, it actually has something to do with sleep because it disturbs or disrupts the sleeper's good night sleep. It deprives individuals from having a good night's sleep because they usually waken in the middle of the night by very dry coughs.

Tightening of the chest is one of the very first symptoms of nocturnal asthma, followed by a series of uncontrollable, dry coughs. This type is one of the least preferred asthma because it is actually a scary kind. Who would want to wake up in the middle of the night feeling helpless and unable to breathe?

4) Occupational Asthma

Again, the background and cause of this type of asthma can already be guessed or determined from the name itself. This kind is just like any other kind where the only thing that makes it distinct from others is that it is acquired in the place where an individual is working.

Perhaps one of the most common occupations that induces asthma are teaching (chalk dust exposure), factory workers (exposure to dust and other powders), painters and construction workers (exposure to paint and other fumes), etc.

The symptoms are no different from the symptoms of the abovementioned other types; wheezing, dry coughs, tightening of the chest, rapid and shallow breathing are still present.

5) Child-onset Asthma

This usually occurs when children are exposed to certain allergens such as dust mites, fungi, animal proteins, and other potential allergens. When a young child or infant wheezes during viral infections, it may be a hint that asthma may be brewing around the corner as they grow older.

6) Adult-onset Asthma

It can easily be described as a type of asthma that develops during adulthood. It may be allergic, non-allergic, occupational, mixed, seasonal or nocturnal. The distinct characteristic is that it occurs in adulthood.

7) Cough-variant Asthma

This kind of asthma may be a bit difficult to diagnose since it can be confused with other kinds of cough that may be related to chronic bronchitis, sinus diseases or post nasal drips due to hay fever. It would usually take a lot of tests and check-ups before the doctor can make a proper diagnosis.

8) Mixed Asthma

This is a mixture of extrinsic and intrinsic asthma. This is a more serious kind since the sufferer must be vigilant to both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that can trigger asthma attacks.

9) Seasonal Asthma

From the name itself, seasonal asthma only occurs during certain seasons wherein the pollens or other allergens seem to be more present than any other season. For example, an individual is quite healthy all year round except during Christmas season, when firecrackers are more common. The dust and smoke emitted by firecrackers may be the triggers for the asthma attack.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1805294
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