Types of Alternative Medicine and Natural Therapy for Asthma


Did you know that you could manage and stem down the severity of asthma by taking some breathing exercises? Breathing techniques, which include Buteyko breathing have for a long time now been used as alternative asthma treatments. Buteyko in particular promotes stable breathing patterns, giving the asthma patient improved oxygen intake as well as conditioning the muscles around the air trachea.

Buteyko also reduces the manufacture of mucus, which further opens the air passageways for more intake of oxygen. Asthma sufferers who use the Buteyko technique are able to cut down on the reliance for artificial medication by up to 90%.


The main aim of meditation is to use precise mental focus to induce a state of relaxation. Several techniques are used to achieve this state including chanting, visualization and controlled breathing. This relaxation reduces tensions and improves the flow of oxygen, blood and mental alertness. All the three resultants of meditation have been known to act as alternative treatment to asthma.

Controlled breathing, which results from meditation, has proven effects for asthmatic people. The exercises help to strengthen the lungs as well as prevent future panic when the attacks hit.


Consumption of vitamins and provitamins can also be used to treat asthma. Numerous studies have for instance ascertained that Vitamin D reduces asthma symptoms. It works well on all forms of asthma including the steroid-resistant asthma type.

According to scientists who carried the research on Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin reduces the level of chemicals that act as asthma triggers in the body.


Herbal medicine, also known as botanical medicinal uses plants and extracts from plant to treat illnesses. Historically, herbs were the only medicine that man had, and not surprisingly, herbal remedies continue to command significant reverence in the modern world. Advance in science and technology has been able to offer photochemical evidence of curative properties of many wild plants and herbs. This means that you can be absolutely sure when you decide to use herbal medicine to treat asthma.

In Japan, researchers reported that herbs known as Kampo helped reduce daily symptoms of asthma in 200 people. A lot of other herbs are offered as bronchodilators, which considering they do not contain chemicals, are better than the artificial steroids and bronchodilators.


Although there is very little research on aromatherapy, a few asthmatic people reported using it to alleviate daily asthma symptoms. Aromatherapy makes use of volatile plant extracts and essential oils to alter moods and cognitive functions.

Extracts from lavender (which is a relaxant), ginger and peppermint have all been used successfully as aromatherapy treatments for asthmatics. Other extracts that you can use to reduce the symptoms of asthma include frankincense, rose, geranium and German Chamomile.

If you are going to be using aromatherapy to treat asthma, you will need to do it cautiously as some asthmatics are allergic to perfumes. The fragrance can trigger their attacks. More importantly, you should never use aromatherapy as a substitute for actual asthma treatment. You will also need to consult a physician before you can apply aromatherapy as a treatment for asthma.


Yoga is probably the simplest natural relief for asthma. It is popular and effective method of preventing from frequent asthma attacks. There are specific positions that are taught in yoga classes that effect the way blood flows in the respiratory system and the way we breathe.

Yoga exercises also increase the capacity of the lungs, allowing them to hold more breath. Apart from asthma, yoga also has a lot of other curative properties for many diseases including some form of mental illnesses.


Homeopathy is a treatment option that makes use of diluted infusions that are derived from plants, minerals and animal extracts. The extracts are then administered as tablets or in liquid form. Homeopathy offers a lot of advantages including increased energy levels, supports the immune system and is natural and holistic.

We have already seen how bronchodilators and steroids do not comprise an effective cure for asthma. The two work wonderfully in cases of acute asthma and in situations when immediate relief is desired. They however do not come close in comparison to homeopathy as a long term solution to asthma.

Homeopathy when applied as a remedy for asthma is probably the only treatment that addresses the root cause of the problem. Homeopathic treatments work by strengthening the body's natural immune system so that it is less affected by allergens and other irritants in the atmosphere.

Asthmatics who use homeopathy as a form of treatment report an alleviated intensity and regularity of asthma attacks and symptoms. They also report increased tolerance to pollen, dust and other irritants.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8338335
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